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Frequently asked questions:

May contain: animal, canine, dog, german shepherd, mammal, and pet


Q. What do you charge for your dogs?

A.  We ask a minimum donation of

  • Starts at $400 for any dog 1-6 years old.
  • $200 for dogs over 6.
  •  Puppies $450 - $650
  • Occasionally we ask a little more or a little less for a certain dog..



Q. What is a “no-kill” shelter?

A.  A “no-kill” shelter is a shelter that does not put a time limit on how long an adoptable animal may remain at the shelter while awaiting adoption. No-kill shelters face limitations of space available to house animals. “No-kill” does not mean “never kill”.  Euthanasia is performed under certain circumstances, such as an animal so aggressive or ill that it can never be placed, or an animal in pain that cannot be alleviated.  Euthanasia is a heart-wrenching decision never taken lightly.


Q.  Why does Front Range GSD Rescue screen potential adopters so carefully?

A.  We love the breed! But, we know that the GSD is not the perfect breed for everyone. Because these dogs lost their original homes–for whatever reason–we want their new home to be a permanent home. We want homes that are committed to making the adoption work. We ask lots of questions because we want the right GSD to go to your home, not just any GSD.


Q.  Will an adult bond to me as well a puppy would?

A.  YES! An adult dog usually is very aware that he has been “chosen” and is grateful for his loving new home. He is likely to follow his new pack leader devotedly, and will show great affection for his new pack members. He might carry along with him a few habits from his original home but with patience and good training these can be changed.


Q.  Why are all Front Range GSD Rescue dogs spayed or neutered?

A.  All dogs placed through us are required to be spayed or neutered because there is a surplus of dogs, purebred as well a mixed-breed. GSDs are a popular breed, resulting in many homeless GSDs. Too many purebred dogs, as well as mixed-breed, are put to death every year simply because there are no homes for them. Many purebred dogs give birth to or sire mixed-breed dogs. By spaying and neutering we help keep the surplus population of pets down.


Q.  Where do your dogs come from? Why are they available? Doesn’t it mean they created some problems before?

A.  Dogs are taken into rescue for two basic reasons. First is the ‘stray’ or ‘abandoned’ dog found in shelters, and we never know why most are there. Sometimes the dog is sick, sometimes people do not monitor their pets and they ‘escape’. Maybe the fence isn’t tall enough; maybe they left their German Shepherd unattended in a backyard and a gate left open; in any case, these reasons are not the fault of the dog, but the fault of bad owners. Most of the young dogs will need quite a bit of training.

The second reason is owner-surrender, and normally this is because of a life-style change of the owner. Maybe they are relocating and can not take their German Shepherd dog; possibly they have a job change and can no longer spend time with the him; or possibly they are getting married and no longer feel that the dog will fit in.

We occasionally help with breeder referrals. These are retired show dogs or obedience dogs, or sometimes youngsters that didn’t progress as planned, or even dogs that have been returned to the breeder for some of the same reasons we get owner surrender. These dogs are spayed/neutered  healthy well-bred dogs and just need a family of their own.


Q.  What do I do if I have to give up my dog?  Can you take him?

A.  If you are no longer able to care for your purebred German Shepherd Dog and wish to ensure that it finds a new home where it will be loved and cared for, you will need to complete an Owner Surrender Request.  It is important that you answer all the questions honestly so that we may better assess your dog’s needs.

We place our dogs in approved foster homes until an appropriate permanent home is found. Sometimes we have to board the dogs while we are waiting a foster home. If your dog is accepted into our program, we will not release the dog to a shelter.

We have people that can work on training, medical or behavior issues. Again, it is vital that you make us aware of any issues so that we can place the dog in the appropriate foster home. And this helps insure your dog gets the best possible forever home too.

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